Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I haven't blogged in awhile, life has been getting in the way. Nothing special, just stuff. Maybe it's being out of the daily routine, not doing school with the kid. Maybe it's just being tired.

Had to take spouse to a larger city for a checkup on his eye. He has, this is what the doc calls it, a mole on the edge of the cornea. We go once a year to make sure that it doesn't grow. This particular day spouse was not feeling well so I drove. Unfortnately we had to make an unscheduled stop to met one of our fine state troopers. Unstead of pointing to the specimen in the back seat and saying I was on my way to a specialist (he looked dead) I just made no excuse at all. I figure these guys are as sick of whiners as I get. It will cost me $130, some pride, oh, and the judge doesn't offer probation, nor do they take personal checks. So it goes on my beautiful record.

Lately I've been pondering my life and what if I had been raised here or there or done this or that. I'm late 40's, I think this is natural. I'm not unhappy with my life, just wonder. Then I wonder if when we are in heaven if we get to enjoy things maybe we didn't here. Unending Ben and Jerry's without weight gain, riding horses across the prairie, just stuff....... Is it foolish to consider these things? I mean, I'm all for unending praise of Jesus around the throne, don't get me wrong, and I suppose we won't even think about such things, but I wonder. Oh foolish me. Oh well. Off to met more state troopers, #3 son needs his drivers license and we must go to their hidey hole. Yesterday they were pissed off, maybe today will be better.

1 comment:

Midlife Midwife said...

hmmm, Ben and Jerry's without weight gain...sounds like heaven. :-)