Saturday, July 07, 2007

Isn't it interesting what your children think of you. The other night my oldest called me as I was about to leave work. A 12 year old son of someone from the church had been skateboarding down a hill, fell and was coming to the ER at my hospital. Could I go check on him?

Got to the ER, they were just checking in, dad, kid and another teen that drove them. Kid looked bad, no kidding. My thoughts had been I would go down there, kid would have a "pumpknot" and overreacting parents. Kid was pale, had been combative, said over and over he couldn't see, bucket in lap (he was about to barf) and again, he looked bad.

I went to the back, asked the charge nurse if they were going to get him back soon, that he didn't look good (please note, I work some in this ER, I know them and knew he would be upfront with me). Seems they had just gotten multiple ambulances in and there were no open rooms. I offered that maybe we should take kid to the children's hospital that was about 10 minutes away, charge nurse thought that would be a good idea.

Normally I would not like this, kid is here, needs to be seen soon. However our children's hospital is top notch and I felt like he would be more appropriately treated there (more than likely in hindsight - my hospital would have diagnosed him and transferred to the kid's hospital anyway). I rode with the kid to the other hospital, I was quite worried about him and hoped that if something happened maybe I could be useful.

We got to the ER, kid started vomiting as soon as we rolled in. You look at lay people in these situations and how they react and how we react. Dad had kid in the men's bathroom before I could stop him, he suddenly ran out and told me kid was barfing...... okay, I ran in and was like, get him in the wheelchair. Dad told me we needed to clean up the mess, I went out and told security that I needed towels, methinks dad probably couldn't carry kid over it without falling. I thew towels down, kid in wheelchair and got out of there.

While they were triaging kid, dad kept getting flustered and I would answer.... I noticed then that there were several notations "mom states...." I figured it was easier to let it go than to clarify. The staff there was wonderful, I was quite proud of them.

As it turns out, kid fractured his skull and was admitted to ICU. This was Thursday, today I heard he is still in the hospital, having trouble keeping food down.

I told my son that I appreciated him calling me, I think they would have stayed at my hospital until seen and it was better that I pushed to move him. While there were downsides to moving him (again, normally I would not do that) it was better for this situation. My son also went to the hospital to see them and be available if needed to help. It's interesting to see how compassionate he is towards others. I wish I could say that my hospital is always the best, but I do so appreciate knowing that they will tell me when I need other help. Oh, and I work in that ER Monday.


Midlife Midwife said...

Welcome back Tig. Isn't it amazing how God places us in just the right situation to help out? I am so glad you were there to help this family. Good for you! I hope he heals quickly from his skull fracture (was he wearing a helmet?)

tigbeane said...

No helmet. Then another kid that was there that night broke his arm the next night protecting a little one from getting hit in the head by a swing.

ER tomorrow, I'm nervous. They have a new computer system in there that I've only used once. Stress magnified.

Midlife Midwife said...

I'll be praying for you. Try not to be too nervous.