Thursday, September 07, 2006


I have a day off, and what do I do..... hmmm, went to Wally World x 2, kid to homeschool academy, nap, McDonalds, and waiting to retrieve kid. I can't believe it. Oh, and called work twice. What about the fun things we are supposed to do? What is wrong with me. I have several good books to read, studying to do, and lets see....... life waiting to happen. Geez.

I've also reviewed some blogs, looking to see what other real people do with their time. Seems the lack of sleep isn't unusual for medical folks, the desire to lay around is commn. Maybe I am normal. Next week I'm off for the whole week, I plan of listing some of my favorite stories so that I can have them down for memory sake. There's an ethical question I would like to throw out if anyone care to look at it. All in all, I really hope to read a lot. Oh, I guess I will also have to homeschool the kid as well. But still, no work. *giggle*. I also need to learn how to jazz up these posts.

1 comment:

M. Lumpkin said...

A whole week! Wow. You could use it to develop a hobby! I look forward to your stories and ethical scenarios. I'll keep the staff in line while you're gone, hah!