Monday, December 11, 2006

Christmas Party

I went to two different Christmas Parties this weekend, one work, one Sunday School. Isn't funny how segregated our lives are? And some of the people would blend so well, some have met. It's kinda like an Algebra problem where the lines intersect. I enjoy my friends, I come alive in a new way when I'm around others. I really don't need alcohol or drugs like some do, laughter is my joy. It fascinates me to see the people in my life come together, to hear their stories, to share parts of our lives.

Example: One of the new nurses brought her boyfriend - he blended so well. In dirty Santa he stole a gift from one of the others (in fact, it was a gift I brought - the Crack Calendar). At the SS party I'm the new kid, but they accepted me well. You peer into people in a new way in their homes and when they are relaxed.

I'm in favor of more away time like this. Through the one on one time we truly come to know each other. In a SS class, you are on guard, you must appear "spiritual". What a load of crap!! How can we get through life without each other?

Oh, I stole gifts as well, Santa coffee cups with CANDY and a baseball pig (I have visions of middle child with this gift). The pink t-shirt with "tough men wear pink" almost came home with me, but I thought the boys might hurt each other getting to that one!!

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