Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lizard CPR

Went for my CPR Instructor class today, the instructor tells this story, swears he did it.

Got a call for a child with an obstructed airway, FD rescue ran hot to get there. Turns out that momma was napping with kid resting on her chest, kid was napping with lizard on his chest. Kid sleeps with mouth open........ lizard sees a nice dark cave. Lizard, well he's a lizard, went into the cave. Kid wakes up, can't breathe, mom wakes up, grabs lizard by the tail, tail pops off....... Mom freaks, sticks fingers in kids mouth, removes lizard with only slight trauma to mouth........ FD arrives, kid crying in background with a bloody mouth, LIZARD is dead........ FD attempts to revive lizard, however all rescue breaths go out where the tail belongs. Sadly, lizard does not survive, but kid is fortunately fine.

Instructor hands out instruction sheet for proper CPR for lizards...... I feel so empowered!!!!!

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