Sunday, February 11, 2007

Harrison Snack

Harrison is a Burmese Mountain / Border Collie dog. He LOVES bunnies...... a lot. We kept a friends bunny for Easter Break, the bunny was a bit stressed. I don't know that the bunny was ever alone. Harrison stayed by the cage the whole time just begging to "please, please let me hold the bunny, please....." However when we did let him just smell the bunny he started drooling and snapping at the neck.
One of my friends just got her kids a couple of bunnys, Harrison wants to go visit. I told her that if the bunnys were bad Harrison would be happy to help. He's always sooo wiling to be a good friend. Anyway, so should you have a bunny that needs a little stress test, let Harrison know. He lives to serve.

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