Wednesday, February 07, 2007

This is my first attempt at adding a pic to my website. #1 son shot this pic at a park close to our house. Methinks it is copyrighted. I think he will let me use it (okay, I did ask first).

I kinda feel this way today, I've even thought about adding this image as my "official" pic, and I still may. Those that know me well will know there is something else that actually defines me, however, as Eeyore with a detactable tail sits beside me he says that right now he's not happy with the previous photos the boys have made. Maybe the next time spouse brings home the lights and backdrop for the boys to practice with.

You say - your boys practice with professional photography lights, well yes, don't yours?? Actually my living room, small as it is, is not bad for a make do studio. The boys have a GIANT poster (think 7" x 5") with a Narnia front and black back. It works. Their facebook pages have wonderful examples, but since I would prefer not everyone know exactly who I am.......

So lets post this and see what happens. If it works, I hope to make my site much more interesting. And actually, I do like the goose.......


Fat Doctor said...

Hey tig, I can help get this photo onto your profile. Email me - can't find your email address on this site...

Susan Palwick said...

The photo's great! And I love the Jethro Tull quotation, too!