Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Brunch

The brunch went rather well (topic: Women's Heart Health), got lots of positive comments. We went with the concept that most folks really know the major details (don't smoke, exercise, lose weight, be perfect) so we highlighted things that we thought might be important. One was when you call 911, unlock the door. Men wait an average of 5.5 hours before presenting to a medical facility, women 6.4, both numbers are unacceptable. Every minute you wait could be heart muscle damaged.

We also thought that we would ask some questions, toss a piece of candy at the person that got it right. Now, I should have checked to see how well my partner can toss. I mentioned that we wanted no assault charges filed, but I didn't realize how close I was to reality. This gal is a girly girl. I'm more the baseball sports kinda girl. She "tossed" the candy but I think the ladies just weren't ready for it. I hope that's why it hit them. Anyway, they loved the talk. Hopefully some of it might actually pay off one day.

Now back to Super Bowl commercials, how I love them. Enjoy the day!!!!

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