Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Too Bummed To Blog

I've not written anything, been busy attending to things belonging to a higher power. This is not the first time I've been involved in a church that was imploding, but this time I'm more detached. It's sad really. Why, why, why? Because we are but frail humans with a sin nature. Now, not everyone believes that, it's okay, but I've seen enough sin nature to convince me. Otherwise, how do you explain the news and what people do to each other.

Today was a new low. Everytime I try to type something about this, I can't. I think I need to leave it at that. Fortunately, this time my source isn't the church, it's the rock. And I hope and pray that I not take my eyes off the rock.

Maybe when I go back to work Thursday the patients will give me something to laugh at.

1 comment:

Midlife Midwife said...

OK, I can't help your church (how sad) But maybe I can help you laugh. I can give you one of my favorite Old Testament scripture stories. 2 Kings 2:23-24. Moral of the story? Don't mess with the bald guy....yes, I have a very sick sense of humor.