Sunday, November 26, 2006

Boys will be boys

Thanksgiving was fun. My sons, 22, 19, and 16 played baseball with the neices, 4 and 5. Watching a 6' 4" male hit a softball with a T-ball bat is just too much fun. The rules were basically if the ball went over the fence, it was out, under and it was a home run. There were ghost players and mommy helpers (the 5 year old is slightly afraid of the ball, the 4 year old is tough).

Methinks these boys will be good fathers, they were rough on each other, and kind to the girls. All were worn out at the end, the girls went home to nap, the boys fell out on the couches (except the middle one that went to the girlfriends parents to eat another dinner). It was way too much fun.

My brother in law discussed his plans to ask his girlfriend to marry him in January. We wondered why not over Christmas, but he said no. I think it would be sweet, but then again, I'm not the one getting married.

Family times like this are better now than they used to be. Years ago these people drank to excess and we couldn't wait to leave them when the boys were little. They still talk about the time when the bottle rocket war got out of hand, yes, alcohol was on board. This year I will work Christmas, so I will miss the little ones. But, I have many years with mine little that I still cherish. The middle son always asking for Chocolate milk was priceless, in fact, he still asks for it. The fights, wait, they still do that.... maybe nothing has changed except the size and the price of the toy........

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