Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What Goes Around

Interesting enough, the other day I was in an indepth conversation with my eldest child when the phone rang. I answered. Which led to a rebuke from child about the phone being more important than him. His words went to my heart. I have on many occasions allowed the phone or other things to be first above them. Now time for a change.

Last night my youngest was with a group of people and waited until the last to leave in order to talk to a man he looks up to. They engaged in a conversation then another man came up and took the conversation away. My heart was greatly grieved that this man had a sixteen year old want to tell him his heart, and he chose not to listen. He may never understand what happened, but I saw my son's fallen face, and I hurt.

I will listen, they will give me another chance. Probably because I feed them and do their laundry. More than anything, I love them.


Fat Doctor said...

That's so sad about that man turning away from conversation with your son. I remember how scared I sometimes was to talk to a grownup I admired. When kids talk to me, whether they admire me or not, I treat them as equals.

No, I've not upgraded to blogger beta. I keep seeing the big blurb on top of my main site telling me it's "ready" for me, but when I try to switch over it says my blog is too big. Whatever. The new blogs I made for my friends were in blogger beta and it is very, very easy to use.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the younger children act up when we are on the phone or they want your attention right at that time. They compete for our attention when we are on the phone. When my 26 yr old was 3 I remember when he had climbed up on the counter and was eating marshmallows out of the bag. I was on the phone with a client and didn't feel I could break away. My son and the marshmallows were just out of reach. I put my business interest ahead of my son. I never did that again. The important thing is that we recognize our mistakes and try to do better the next time. Isn't it great that your son cared enough to point that out to you and that you have taken it to heart. Sounds like a loving relationship. :)