Thursday, November 23, 2006

Nothing Special

Happy Thanksgiving!! We will be going to my mother in laws and hanging with the family. Not sure how I feel about this, I will miss her when she is gone, but sometimes I wish we could do it here with our family, but I know how disorganized I am. Alas, this way it's easier. But the boys will grow and leave some day (well, I've heard it happens).

Work has not been bad lately, but the census is low. I've heard they thought of closing the unit yesterday, but I don't see the cost savings. They would take our patients, sent them down the hall, take my nurses and send them with the patients. Don't see the advantage, lights aren't that much. The staff is scared, I'm not happy but I'm sure this will pass. If not, I don't intend to go down the hall, I don't like the other units. I would attempt to move to ER, which I love. But we will see.

So enjoy the day, read the paper, play with the kids, remember it will not always be this way. Some days better, some days worse. I miss my parents and I know that one day I will be gone as well. But hopefully the memories we build now will survive.

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