Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I Wonder

Some things have happened at my work, but I see them everywhere that have had me thinking. Do you believe what goes around comes around? Do you think when your boss, or their boss, or whoever, does wrong to a co-worker that it will come back to them?

I personally do. Sadly, many times I suspect they don't recognize what they are doing nor see when it happens to them. Of one I've heard the remark "she isn't happy unless she is beating on someone."

What a horrible way to live your life. I can't imagine being so unhappy that you have to treat your fellow man so. Makes me wonder....... The sad part is, most of these people claim to be Christians, yet you find no fruit in them.

Am I any better? I hope so, but then, I've come to realize I've treated one physician badly and must find a way to apologize that he would accept and in a way that would glorify my creator. I want to do it quietly, but I write this just to say that we need to be aware of our ownselves so that we don't become like these others. I don't want to be a bitter person that must belittle those around me. I really do want to be kind, gentle, exhibiting love and peace to all. What a calling.

1 comment:

Midlife Midwife said...

Great photo. Love the lighting. As for the post, remember that "God looketh on the heart". We all have our nasty moments where we are less than charitable. But your heart is in the right place because you want to be better. The best we can do is just keep trying to be better and repenting every day. Isn't the atonement great?!