Monday, March 26, 2007

Just another day

Not a bad day, for me that is. Funny thing though, I had to call a family member of my patient that is also an ICU nurse. I guess, maybe, I probably shouldn't have implied that his relative was an "interesting" case. Never a good sign to be told that your loved one is interesting to the nurses.

Cardiogenic shock, temporary pacer, balloon pump, ventalator, and the assorted medications that go along with that. Me, the one with the attention span of a gnat, was interested all day. Intriqued even. Again, not a good sign.

So far, so good. We will watch this one closely. They are very sick, but they have very good doctors. Now all he needs is a good heart.

1 comment:

Midlife Midwife said...

yep, interesting either means they are way too sick, or that they are slightly odd. Usually not a good sign either way. :-)