Friday, October 06, 2006

Less snot, more green stuff

Yeah, you wanted to hear this. I guess it's not a good sign when your co-workers are spraying you with disinfectant. I was banned from certain rooms, and sounded worse than several of the patients. And for once, my patients really didn't want me coming around them. Something about wanting to live. (and this from the ones that don't know I'm the angel of death). One code on the floor, I didn't think I could make it, sent someone else. CPR at 100 / minute wasn't about to happen. I would have walked in and suggested just calling it, no energy. Only slept one and half hours last night, think I'm going to call it early tonight and pray for sleep. Later.....


M. Lumpkin said...

2am. Post call (which had me up from 3-5 last night). Baby won't sleep. Cutting molars. Sleep deprivation altering sounds of crying baby into some kind of organic chainsaw.

I hope you're sleeping. I read my watch as 7am. It was in fact 1:35.

Fat Doctor said...

Feel better soon. I recommend a day in bed - call in sick - it's fun! :)