Wednesday, October 25, 2006


My spirit is weary. Things that happened before are happening again and I'm tired. Yet tomorrow I go back to work where I will have patients that will suck my soul out. Today is my day where for a few hours I'm alone (well, with the laundry, dogs, cleaning, etc). Typically I put on the iPod and sing myself sore and clean until children come home and complain - yeah, the froglike sound gets on their nerves - I figure my house....... So today I'm wanting to refresh and reload and I hear Charlie Hall "Come for Me" then "All Creatures of Our God and King" by David Crowder. These are wonderful songs but better when the border collie throws you the football to play it just seemed right. So while I whine and hear "Jesus I'll patiently wait" the BC wasn't so patient. And play does refresh us, she knows better than I. Who knows, maybe God hasn't abandoned me after all. Now I must go toss a football.

1 comment:

Mother Jones RN said...

I know what you mean when you say you feel like your soul has been sucked out of your body. I work 16 hour shifts every Saturday and it really pun intended:-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog.