Wednesday, October 11, 2006

On Being Southern

I've grown up in the south and therefore know no other life. Recently I've met some friends that "aren't from here" that have made me evaluate certain parts of the southern culture. Overall, I find that there are things about us that are quite refreshing, most people will speak to you whether they know you or not, the genteel wave as cars pass, friendly comments in the elevator. Who can argue that these are good?

Then there is our tendancy to smile even though we hate you. According to one of my dear friends, I'm not very good at that one (seems I should stay away from the poker tables). While I will try not to be overtly rude, I just don't acknowledge you exist if I'm not fond of you (but then too, I may have just not seen you, and I'm sticking to that story). There are those that will wave and enquire into your health then turn and say to their companion, "I can't stand them." I find that disturbing to my energy level, why wave in the first place? Then I remember, we must never be rude.

So here is the question: is it better to be rude and true to your feelings or should you just go with the flow? Then we must bring in our Christianity. What would Jesus have us do.... oh wait, that would be love our enemies, scratch that, takes FAR to much work. Then we would have to pray for them and, well, we can't have that. (does this mean that I have to speak to that awful doc I really, really, really can't stand..... nah)

I like polite society. I can and have killed with kindness. If I've done well, you may never know that I would prefer you not be around. But then, I wonder, do the people I think like me because they like me or are they just being nice. You know, I don't care. I'm old enough now that I do know my friends, the others, well, they shall adapt. Honesty is a wonderful thing, but you have to be sure that people are ready for it. If you don't like me, I really don't want to know, it's a waste of my energy to dwell on it. I'll figure out you won't want to hang out with me eventually. I used to say just tell me, but not now. But ultimately what I believe is this: that as we do unto others it will be done to us. That means in this case, I'll not be rude or mean to you, maybe God will change my heart. It's happened before that some I thought I had no grace for became one that was able to help me in my walk. And if you're gracious with me, maybe God will help me to have a part in your life. Trust me on this though, you come up and slap me, I'm not going to be very receptive to anything that follows.

Now to clean house, I go back to the zoo tomorrow. Hopefully this time it will be them exposing me to stuff instead of the other way around. I almost feel human.


M. Lumpkin said...

Today it was a zoo. It was bad for my energy.

When I was in Germany I really enjoyed their up-front culture. They tell you what they think about your shirt, about you as a friend and about anything else you ask them about.

The flipside is that they struggle with sarcasm. And I have trouble living without that.

After today I have an overwhelming compulsion to run the local mountain. That means I probably should.

Fat Doctor said...

I figure God knows we're human. Humans are rude sometimes. We feel guilty about it. That makes God happy. (Theology is not my specialty, obviously, but I'm going with this logic)!